To get rid of bed bugs, you need a comprehensive treatment. Bed bugs are very resilient and difficult to eliminate. They can hide in small crevices, reproduce quickly, and survive for months without feeding. All it takes is a single bed bug that survives extermination to cause a re-infestation of your home.

A proper bed bug treatment typically involves a combination of methods. It is an ongoing process that can last up to several weeks, depending on the size of your infestation. Bed bug sprays can help to eliminate bed bugs on contact. But you should also include vacuuming, steam cleaning, and using bed bug mattress covers in your pest control routine. You must declutter your home before applying any treatment. Remove any unnecessary items that may provide hiding places for bed bugs. It also protects your belongings from getting infested with bed bugs trying to escape the extermination.

Following a comprehensive process helps ensure that all of the bed bugs are eliminated and reduces the risk of re-infestation. It is also important to note that you may need to repeat your bed bug treatment multiple times to eliminate bed bugs at every stage of their life cycle.

Our 3 Step Bed Bug Solution covers everything you need for a successful bed bug treatment. It was developed by professional bed bug exterminators who use our products daily. We include a step-by-step guide with every purchase to ensure you get the most out of our natural bed bug sprays and treatments. The 3-Step Guide maximizes the effectiveness of your extermination. But if you do not follow this procedure accurately, we cannot guarantee your results.


Before starting a DIY bed bug extermination, confirm you have all the necessary supplies. Bed bugs are notoriously difficult to exterminate. Interrupting your treatment process can undo your progress and lead to a frustrating cycle of infestation and re-infestation. Gathering all the supplies preemptively increases your chances of success. It saves you time and money in the long run. 


Wear gloves and protective clothing to prevent exposure to bed bugs. Using disposable coveralls also protects your clothing from bed bugs you may contact while performing the extermination.


You can use a flashlight to help you see bed bugs and their hiding places.


Using a magnifying glass during bed bug treatment can help you spot tiny bed bug eggs and other minuscule signs of infestation that might be difficult to see with the naked eye.


Sealing your belongings in clear plastic bags protects them from bed bug infestation. It also helps you eliminate hiding places bed bugs can use to survive your treatment. While inside the bags, you can closely monitor your items for any ongoing bed bug activity and deal with it immediately.
Look for a family-safe bed bug spray with a non-toxic formula. Do not expose yourself, your children, or your pets to harsh chemicals.
You do not want to run out of bed bug spray during an ongoing bed bug treatment. Keeping some bed bug spray refills on hand helps you stay ready.


A vacuum cleaner that has a crevice tool attachment can remove bed bugs, eggs, and fecal matter from surfaces and cracks that your bed bug spray might have missed.
A steam cleaner can kill bed bugs on contact by exposing them to high temperatures of at least 120 degrees. They are great for mattresses, cracks in your walls, and other places spray may not penetrate.


Bedding, clothing, and other washable items should be washed in hot water and dried on high heat to kill bed bugs and their eggs.
You can use a bed bug laundry additive as an extra layer of security when washing your infested items. They work well for delicate items that cannot withstand hot water or the high heat of a drier.
Encasing your mattress and box spring in a bed bug-proof cover can help prevent bed bugs from infesting your bed.
A bed bug travel spray is a great preventative measure to protect yourself from bed bugs before, during, and after dealing with a bed bug infestation. You can use it to treat luggage, bedding, and other items that may have been exposed to bed bugs during travel or while in storage.


Preparing your home for bed bug extermination is crucial in ensuring effective treatment. Here are some detailed steps you can take to prepare your home for bed bug extermination:

  1. Remove clutter: Bed bugs love to hide in clutter. So start by decluttering your home as much as possible. Remove any unnecessary items, such as stacks of books, piles of laundry, and knick-knacks. For extreme infestations, you may have to remove wall decors such as clocks, picture frames, posters, mirrors, and even shelves. Inspect any items you plan to keep for signs of bed bugs, such as eggs, shed skins, and fecal matter.
  2. Disassemble your furniture: Take your mattress off the frame and stand it against the wall. Remove your couch cushions. Take your drawers out of your dresser or nightstand. Pull all furniture away from the wall so it is easier to walk around and treat it. Plus, it will help prevent bed bugs from hiding in hard-to-reach places. (Ask someone to help move heavier items)
  3. Wash and dry bedding and clothing: Bedding, clothing, and other washable items should be washed in hot water and dried on high heat (Check the label of the item before to ensure it is safe to do so. Wash in cold water if the label suggests) Use a bed bug laundry additive to ensure the most thorough results. Put them in FRESH plastic bags or containers to prevent re-infestation. Using new containers that did not previously hold your belongings is critical to stopping bed bugs from re-infesting the items you just treated.
  4. Steam clean: A steam cleaner can kill bed bugs on contact by exposing them to high temperatures. Use the steam cleaner on surfaces such as mattresses, box springs, and upholstered furniture. You cannot use a household clothing steamer for this step. You need a bed bug steam cleaner that reaches high enough temperatures to kill bed bugs. Your steamer must be able to sustain that temperature long enough to get the job done. Read the instructions of the steamer before use.
  5. Encase your mattress and box spring: Bed bugs can hide in the seams and folds of your mattress and box spring, so encase them with a bed bug proof cover. Doing this will help prevent bed bugs from infesting your bed and make it easier to spot any bed bugs that are still present. It also protects you from bed bugs already in your mattress that may try to bite you in your sleep.
  6. Bed Frame: If you have a wood bed frame, spray, vacuum and steam all crevices as this is a common hiding place.

DO NOT apply ANY bed bug spray until you have taken the above actions. Following these steps ensures your bed bug extermination is successful and long-lasting.


  1. Read the label: Read the instructions and safety precautions on the bed bug spray label before use.
  2. Identify the infested areas: Inspect your home to identify the areas where bed bugs are present. Focus your treatment efforts on those areas.
  3. Prepare the area: Remove clutter and vacuum the area to be treated to remove any bed bugs and their eggs.
  4. Directly spray bed bugs: bed bug sprays activate on contact, so spray directly on bed bugs, and other signs of bed bug activity such as fecal stains, shed skins, and blood spots.
  5. Spray infested areas thoroughly: Be sure to spray infested areas thoroughly, including your mattress, headboard, couch, and other areas where bed bugs are present. Spray from top to bottom and be as thorough as possible.
  6. Allow the spray to dry: Allow the bed bug spray to dry completely before placing any items back in the area.
  7. Vacuum the area: After applying bed bug spray, vacuum the area to remove any dead bed bugs or eggs. Dispose of the vacuum bag or empty the canister in a sealed plastic bag immediately. Do not let it sit in your home where bed bugs can escape and infest again.
  8. Repeat the treatment: Repeat as needed.

DO NOT randomly spray your home. Bed bug spray is activated on contact. Spray directly on bed bugs and their eggs. Following these steps allows you to maximize the effectiveness of your bed bug spray.


  1. Wash everything before bringing it inside: Whether you purchase something new or secondhand, wash it before bringing it into your home. That includes clothes, bedding, and any other fabric items.
  2. Do not bring furniture or other items from the curb: Furniture found on the street may be infested with bed bugs, so it's best to avoid bringing it into your home.
  3. Use a bed bug travel spray: When traveling, use a bed bug travel spray on your luggage and hotel room to prevent bed bugs from hitching a ride back home with you.
  4. Use a mattress cover: Invest in a high-quality mattress cover that keeps bed bugs out. Bedbug-proof mattress covers also trap bed bugs inside so they cannot bite you if your mattress is already infested. After about a year, they will eventually starve and die.
  5. Inspect your home often: Check your home regularly for signs of bed bugs, such as small, rust-colored stains or dark spots on bedding and furniture.
  6. Do a follow-up treatment every 7-10 days: Bed bugs have a life cycle of about 7-10 days, so do a follow-up treatment every week to 10 days for up to six weeks to ensure that all bed bugs and their eggs are gone for good.

Do not unpack your belongings for at least 2 weeks. If you have recently treated a bed bug infestation, wait at least 2 weeks before unpacking your belongings to ensure there is no remaining bed bug activity. If you notice any signs of bed bugs after this point, keep your items sealed and perform another extermination treatment. Repeat as needed.

Preventing a bed bug infestation is not always possible. But being proactive and staying vigilant can help stop an infestation from getting out of control. After treating an infestation, continue working prevention measures into your daily routine to discourage bed bugs from returning.


Before opening the mattress cover please make sure the dimensions and size of the cover will fit your mattress. If you purchased the Vinyl Mattress cover, it does not stretch.

1. Strip your mattress of all bedding

2. Remove the cover from its packaging and unzip it fully

3. Fully align the cover on the mattress, and slide the unzippered side on the top of the mattress (For easier installation, stand the mattress against the wall)

4. Slide the cover all the way, until it fully covers the mattress

5. Zip the mattress cover fully. This should be done when the mattress is on the bed.


$59.99 $85.00
Bed Bug & Mite Gallon Refill
Non-Toxic ingredientsKill bed bugs and eggsFamily and Environmentally friendly
Bed bug killer in Freeport, New York
$23.75 $40.00
Bed Bug & Mite Killer Spray 24 oz
Naturally derived IngredientsKill bed bugs and mitesFamily & Environmentally Friendly Non-Toxic
Bed Bug Spray & Travel Spray Kit